Friday, December 21, 2018

Finished works for 2018

It has been a year, I finished 14 kits this year even after being on break for almost 3 months recovering from gastric bypass. This year was a bit of a learning year trying out more with making decals, hand painting, putty use, and pla plate. I built a spray booth so I can paint easier inside.

My favorite kit of the year was the MG Jegan with a very clean build and the paint job came out how I wanted it. My least favorite was the HG Zaku 2 C type I hand painted, I still am trying to get the basics of it down past just doing smaller details.

Overall this year in terms of the community is ok the drama around NA GBWC is as always a embarrassment to the scene here in the USA as seen by the new Canada entry taking 4th and the USA taking dead last in what is the lowest scoring entry I have seen since I started in the hobby 4 years ago. I digress overall the community is growing the pool of builders here in the US is growing the skill is improving, I can only hope the judging of GBWC can get better in terms of standards compared to the rest of the world.

The link to my completed works for 2018

Friday, July 13, 2018

Degassing spray paint for your airbrush

Degassing spray paint

By degassing spray paint you can save some money and thinner and get some good paint that is basically ready for your airbrush.

  • First you need the supply's for it. you will need the spray paint, paint jar(large jars or bottles are great for this), a pen or thick straw, tape(duct tape or masking tape works), a stick or paint stir.  
          some optional items are Paint thinner, pipettes, small metal or glass beads, and container                      put the paint jar you are working with in warm water.

  • You need to make a tube the paint will go in from the can to the jar. The full length of a pen tube is good just cut the ends off the pen or use a straw the same size then tape the nozzle of the can to the tube make sure the seal is good and wont leak.(label the tube if you use more then one paint)  
  • Just like with using spray paint normally put the can in warm water and shake well until it is ready (if you are using a container for putting the jar of paint in fill it up with warm water.)
  • Put the paint jar on a flat surface with some paper towels just encase you get some overflow.(put the jar in the container of water if you are using one)

  • Spray the paint in to the jar using the nozzle you taped the tube to in short bursts and shake the can every so often and if the can gets cold run it under warm water make sure you don't fill the jar too far or you will have it spill over.
  • Now you need to be careful or it will spill over. you need to gently stir the paint until most of the bubbles go away(if you use a water container you might need to change out the water if it gets cool)
  •  Once the large bubble stop you can use a pipette to pull the paint back and forth to get more gas out I like to add a little bit of thinner here because of the next step.
  •  Now that most of the bubbles are gone you might think you are ready to use the paint and yes you can use it but some gas will come out with the paint and will most likely mess up your paint job(In a pinch you get speed this up by putting the paint jar in hot water and stirring it hard for 10 min)
  • Next is to put the lid on the jar clean up the jar then make sure the jar is not fully closed and let it sit over night, next day make sure the lid is tight shake the paint then open it slowly (it is like a soda) and repeat until no gas is in the paint.
some paints take longer to degas then others clear paints like top coats take much longer then normal paints(I have had flat coat take 3 days to degas and plain black only took about a day)
Over all you can get a lot of paint out of degassing spray gas you can also pry the top off the cans when they are completely empty to get the last bit of paint and the paint marbles to use in your own jars.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

First build of 2018

For my first build of the year I finished my HG Pale riders it was a interesting build that kept me on my toes in the masking area and with my detail painting with brushes the main inspiration of the build was from a builder on Twitter @yuupa00 the guy does great clean work and trends to retweet other builders work a lot.

Ground type

Space type

Monday, January 8, 2018

2017 In models and gunpla

So 2017 is over I had a good year in modeling completed 8 painted builds entered in GBWC for the 2nd time in a row but did not place. It was a great year for learning new techniques and pushing for something new in every build. For 2018 I hope to do more and enter GBWC with something I can be happy with. And now a picture of all my painted builds  for 2017

  Hope to see more from everyone in 2018

Thursday, October 5, 2017

HG GM III Painted Build

Full Album

I wanted to do a Unicorn ver. paint scheme
The kit was Primed in Alclad II black primer then sanded smooth.
White is Mr. Gundam color white with a few drops of light gray
Gray is Mr Gundam color Zeon gray with some neutral gray added to darken it slightly
Blue is a custom mix of Mr Gundam Blue, Mr Color Sky blue, Mr Gundam color white, Mr Gundam MS green.
Red is Mr. Gundam color Red with some Mr Gundam color yellow added
Yellow is Mr Gundam color yellow and some orange and white added
Top coat is Testors Dullcote that was decanted and thinned
Small details are Testors enamel Silver and a mix of silver and black
Cameras are HIQ parts aurora film and Holo stickers
Hands are HGBC build knuckles
Panel lines are Tamiya accent color mix of black, brown, and gray
Decals are a mix of HIQ and D.L brand with the EFSF ones from MG Full armor gundam ver. Ka
weathering is light gray paint for chipping and Tamiya weathering master for the dry brushing