I wanted to do a Unicorn ver. paint scheme
The kit was Primed in Alclad II black primer then sanded smooth.
White is Mr. Gundam color white with a few drops of light gray
Gray is Mr Gundam color Zeon gray with some neutral gray added to darken it slightly
Blue is a custom mix of Mr Gundam Blue, Mr Color Sky blue, Mr Gundam color white, Mr Gundam MS green.
Red is Mr. Gundam color Red with some Mr Gundam color yellow added
Yellow is Mr Gundam color yellow and some orange and white added
Top coat is Testors Dullcote that was decanted and thinned
Small details are Testors enamel Silver and a mix of silver and black
Cameras are HIQ parts aurora film and Holo stickers
Hands are HGBC build knuckles
Panel lines are Tamiya accent color mix of black, brown, and gray
Decals are a mix of HIQ and D.L brand with the EFSF ones from MG Full armor gundam ver. Ka
weathering is light gray paint for chipping and Tamiya weathering master for the dry brushing