Wednesday, January 24, 2018

First build of 2018

For my first build of the year I finished my HG Pale riders it was a interesting build that kept me on my toes in the masking area and with my detail painting with brushes the main inspiration of the build was from a builder on Twitter @yuupa00 the guy does great clean work and trends to retweet other builders work a lot.

Ground type

Space type

Monday, January 8, 2018

2017 In models and gunpla

So 2017 is over I had a good year in modeling completed 8 painted builds entered in GBWC for the 2nd time in a row but did not place. It was a great year for learning new techniques and pushing for something new in every build. For 2018 I hope to do more and enter GBWC with something I can be happy with. And now a picture of all my painted builds  for 2017

  Hope to see more from everyone in 2018