Friday, December 21, 2018

Finished works for 2018

It has been a year, I finished 14 kits this year even after being on break for almost 3 months recovering from gastric bypass. This year was a bit of a learning year trying out more with making decals, hand painting, putty use, and pla plate. I built a spray booth so I can paint easier inside.

My favorite kit of the year was the MG Jegan with a very clean build and the paint job came out how I wanted it. My least favorite was the HG Zaku 2 C type I hand painted, I still am trying to get the basics of it down past just doing smaller details.

Overall this year in terms of the community is ok the drama around NA GBWC is as always a embarrassment to the scene here in the USA as seen by the new Canada entry taking 4th and the USA taking dead last in what is the lowest scoring entry I have seen since I started in the hobby 4 years ago. I digress overall the community is growing the pool of builders here in the US is growing the skill is improving, I can only hope the judging of GBWC can get better in terms of standards compared to the rest of the world.

The link to my completed works for 2018